After the death of my son, my emotional, social, and mental self quickly went into cardiac arrest. I lose mental/emotional consciousness. Unashamedly, I struggled to acknowledge as well as express my feelings, hold conversations, or even focus on simple stuff. Getting dressed became a chore and getting out of bed was no longer an option or desire. I felt like there was nothing left to live for. I was on a never-ending mental and emotional roller coaster. I went into a depression experiencing anger, anxiety, and sadness. I never knew such pain as that which I was experiencing at the time. My emotional and mental health needed to be resuscitated.
Maintaining our mental health is so critical, just as being able to ask for help. What do you do when you don’t know that you’re in this dark space or you’re watching someone you care about go through the mental/emotional roller coaster? It is my belief that when we start to break the stigma that surrounds mental illnesses it will become more socially accepted; thereby, making it easier for those who are living with a mental illness to talk about it. I truly think based upon my experience that mental incarceration is far worse than physical. As a community let’s not be wardens and hold those living with a mental illness incarceration. Let’s work together to bring awareness and break the stigma behind mental health.